School of Music
University of Nebraska--Lincoln
Lincoln, NE 68588-0100
(phone: [402] 472-2507; Internet: plefferts1@unl.edu)

Data entry: Jonathan Haupt
Checked by: Peter Slemon
Approved by: Peter M. Lefferts

Author: Anonymous
Title: On the denominations of proportions
Source: Sanford B. Meech, "Three Musical Treatises in English From a Fifteenth-Century Manuscript," Speculum 10 (1935): 235-69 at 266-68. Used by permission.
Graphics: DEPRPB2 01GF-DEPRPB2 02GF

[-266-] Here foluyth a breue tretise of proporcions and of theire denominacions with a litil table folwing.

The proporcions be-twene 1 and 1, 2 and 2, 3 and 3, and so in more numbir is callid euyn proporcion, ffor euery parcell be him-selfe is euyn in noumbir. and the same be-twene 8 and 4 is [-267-] callid dowble proporcion, ffor the [more] noumbir conteynyth twies the lasse. Be-twene 5 and 4 is sesquequarta ffor the more numbir conteynythe the lesse and the fourthe parte of him ouer. Betwene 5 and 3 is superbiparciens 3cias, ffor the more numbir conteynthe the lesse and 2o parties ouer, of the whech eche be himselfe is the 3de part of the lesse. Betwene 10 and 4 is dupla sesque-altera, ffor the more numbir conteynyth the lesse and the halfe ouer. Be-twene 8 and 3 is dupla superbiparciens 3cias, ffor the more numbir conteynythe twies the lesse and his 2o parties ouer, of the wheche pars aliquota is not made be the lesse noumbir, but eche be him-selfe is the 3de parte of the lesse numbir. Be-twene 3 and 2 is sesquealtera, ffor the more numbir conteynyth the lesse and the halfe of him ouer. Be-twene 4 and 3 is sesquetercia, ffor the more numbir conteynyth the lasse thries and one parte ouer, the whech is the 3de parte of the lesse numbir. Be-twene 6 and 2 is tripla, ffor the more numbir conteynyth thries the lesse numbir. Betwene 6 and 3 is dupla, for the more numbir conteynyth twies the lesse. Be-twene 3 and 1 is tripla, ffor the more vt supra. Be twene 5 and 2 is dupla sesquealtera, ffor the more numbir conteynyth twies the lesse and the halfe parti of him ouer. Be-twene 6 and 5 is sesque 5a ffor the more numbir conteynyth <thries> the lasse and his 5te parte ouer. Be-twene 7 and 2 is tripla sesquealtera, ffor the more numbir conteynythe thries the lesse and halfe him ouer. Be-twene 7 and 3 is [dupla] sesquetercia, vt supra. Be-twene 8 and 5 is supertriparciens 5tas, ffor the more numbir conteynyth the lasse and 3 parties ouer, of the whech pars aliquota is not made there the be holding the lasse numbur. Be-twene 9 and 2 is quadrupla sesquealtera, ffor the more numbir conteynth the lesse and his halfe ouer.

[Anonymous, Proportions II, 267,1; text: 2.1, 4.2, 6.3, 8.4, 10.5, 12.6, Dupla, 3.1, 6.2, 9.3, 12.4, 15.5, 18.6, Tripla, 4.1, 8.2, 12.3, 16.4, 20.5, 24.6, Quadrupla, 5.1, 10.2, 15.3, 20.4, 25.5, 30.6, Quindupla, 3.2, 6.4, 9.6, 12.8, 15.10, 20.12, Sesquealtera, 4.3, 8.6, 12.9, 16.12, 20.15, 24.18, Sesquetercia, 5.4, 10.8, 15.12, 20.16, 25.20, 30.24, Sesque 4ta, 6.5, 12.10, 18.15, 24.20, 30.25, 36.30, Sesque 5ta, 7.6, 14.12, 21.18, 28.24, 35.30, 42.36, Sesque 6ta, 5.3, 10.6, 15.9, 20.12, 25.15, 30.18, Superbiparciens 3cias, 7.4, 14.8, 21.12, 28.16, 35.20, 42.24, Supertriparciens 4tas, 9.5, 18.10, 27.15, 36.20, 45.25, 54.30, Superquatriparciens 5tas, 11.6, 22.12, 33.18, 44.24, 55.30, 66.36, Superquinqueparciens 6tas, 13.7, 26.14, 39.21, 52.28, 65.35, 78.42, Superses[que]parciens 7as] [DEPRPB2 01GF]

[Anonymous, Proportions II, 267,2; text: 3, 3.2, sesque-altera, 4.2, dupla, 5.2, dupla sesque-altera, 6.2, tripla, 7.2, tripla sesque-altera, 8.2, quadrupla, 9.2, quadrupla sesque-altera, 10.2, quindupla, 11.2, quindupla sesque-altera, 11.3, tripla superbiparciens 3cias, 12.3, quadrupla, 5, 5.4, sesque-quarta, 6.4, sesque-altera, 7.4, super-triparciens quartas, 8.4, dupla, 9.4, dupla sesque-quarta, 10.4, dupla sesque-altera, 11.4, dupla super-triparciens quartas, 12.4, tripla, 8.6, sesque-tercia, 9.6, sesque-altera, 10.6, superquadriparciens sextas superbiparciens-tercia[s], 11.6, superquintiparciens sextas, 12.6, dupla, 8, 8.7, sesque-septima, 9.7, superbiparciens 7as, 10.7, supertriparciens 7as, 11.7, superquatriparciens 7as] [DEPRPB2 02GF]

[Anonymous, Proportions II, 268; text: 12.2, sexdupla, 4, 4.3, sesquetercia tercias, 5.3, superbiparciens [terci]as, 6.3, dupla, 7.3, dupla sesque-tercia, 8.3, dupla superbiparciens tercias, 9.3, tripla, 10.3, tripla sesque-tercia, 6, 6.5, sesque-quinta, 7.5, superbiparciens quintas, 8, 8.5, supertriparciens quintas, 9.5, super-quatriparciens quintas, 10.5, dupla, 11.5, dupla sesque-quinta, 12.5, superbiparciens quintas, 7, 7.6, sesque-sexta, 12.7, superquintiparcie[n]s 7as, 9, 9.8, sesque-octave, 10.8, sesque quarta, 11.8, supertriparciens octavas, 12.8, sesque-altera, 10, 10.8, 11.8, 12.8, Expliciunt denominaciones proporcionum] [DEPRPB2 02GF]

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