School of Music
University of Nebraska--Lincoln
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(phone: [402] 472-2507; Internet: plefferts1@unl.edu)

Data entry: Jonathan Haupt
Checked by: Peter Slemon
Approved by: Peter M. Lefferts

Author: Power, Leonel
Title: Treatise upon the Gamme
Source: Thrasybulos Georgiades, Englische Diskanttraktate aus der ersten Hälfte des 15. Jahrhunderts: Untersuchungen zur Entwicklung der Mehrstimmigkeit im Mittelalter, Schriftenreihe des Musikwissenschaftlichen Seminars der Universität München, Band 3 (Selbstverlag und Auslieferung: Musikwissenschaftliches Seminar der Universität München, 1937), 12-23.

[-12-] This tretis is contriuid vpon the Gamme, for hem that wil be syngers, or makers, or techers. For the ferst thing of alle thei must knou hou many cordis of discant ther be. As olde men seyen and as men syng nouadayes, ther be 9. But whoso wil syng manerli and musikli, he may not lepe to the 15the in no maner of discant, for it longith to no mannys voys; and so ther be but 8 acordis aftir the discant nou vsid. And whosoeuer wil be a maker, he may vse no more than 8; and so ther be but 8: Fro vnisoun vnto the 13the. But for the qvatrebil syghte ther be 9 acordis of discant: The vnisoun, 3de, 5te, 6te, 10the, 12the, 13the and 15the. Of the whech 9 acordis 5 be perfite and 4 be inperfite. The 5 perfite be the vnisoun, 5te, 8te, 12the and 15the; the 4 inperfite be the 3de, 6te, 10the and 13the. Also thou maist ascende and descende with al maner of cordis excepte 2 acordis perfite of one kynde, as 2o vnisouns, 2o 5tis, 2o 8tis, 2o 12this, 2o 15this; with none of these thou maist neyther ascende neyther descende, but thou must cun sette thes acordis togeder and medele hem wel, as I shal enforme the. Ferst thou shal medle with a 3de a 5te, with a 6te a 8te, with a 10the a 12the, with a 13the a 15the. Undir the whech 9 acordis 3 syghtis be conteynyd: the mene syght, the trebil sight, the qvatrebil syght and other also of thi 9 acordis. Hou thou shalt hem ymageyn betwene the playnsong and the discant, here foluythe ensample: Ferst to enforme a childe in his counterpoynt: he most ymagyne his vnisoun the 8te note fro the playnsong benethe, his 3de the 6te note benethe, his 5te the 4the note benethe, his 6te the 3de note benethe, his 8te euyn with the playnsong, his 10the the 3de note aboue, his 12the the 5te note aboue, his 13the the 6te note aboue, his 15the the 8te note aboue the playnson.

[-13-] [T]he quatreble syghte.

Gam ut hathe 3 acordis: Re, Mi, Sol be proper chaunt; Re a 12, Mi a 13, Sol a 15.

[Georgiades, Diskanttraktate, 13,1; text: proper chaunt, 12, 13, 15, G] [POWERTR4 01GF]

A re hathe 4 acordis: Vt, Mi, Fa, La be proper chaunt; Vt a 10the, Mi a 12the, Fa a 13the, La a 15the.

[Georgiades, Diskanttraktate, 13,2; text: proper chaunt, 10, 12, 13, 15, A] [POWERTR4 01GF]

Be mi hathe 2 acordis: Re, Sol be proper chaunt; Re a 10, Sol a 13.

[Georgiades, Diskanttraktate, 13,3; text: proper chaunt, 10, 13, B] [POWERTR4 01GF]

Ce fa ut hathe 4 acordis: Mi, Sol, La be proper chaunt and Fa be [sqb] quarre in C sol fa ut; Mi a 10, Sol a 12, La a 13, Fa a 15.

[Georgiades, Diskanttraktate, 13,4; text: proper chaunt, [sqb] quarre, 10, 12, 13, 15, C] [POWERTR4 01GF]

De sol re hathe 4 acordis: Fa, La be proper chaunt and Mi, Sol be [sqb] quarre; Fa a 10, La a 12, Mi a 13, Sol a 15.

[Georgiades, Diskanttraktate, 13,5; text: proper chaunt, [sqb], 10, 12, 13, 15, D] [POWERTR4 01GF]

E la mi hathe 4 acordis: Vt, Mi, Fa, La be [sqb] quarre; Vt a 10, Mi a 12, Fa a 13, La a 15.

[Georgiades, Diskanttraktate, 13,6; text: [sqb] quarre, 10, 12, 13, 15, E] [POWERTR4 01GF]

F fa ut hathe 4 acordis: Re, Fa, Sol be [sqb] quarre and Fa be proper chaunt in F fa ut aboue and Mi, Sol, La be b molle, be the same acordis that Re, Fa, Sol be; Re a 10, Fa a 12, Sol a 13, Fa be proper chaunt in F fa ut aboue, a 15.

[Georgiades, Diskanttraktate, 13,7; text: [sqb] quarre, [rob] molle, 10, 12, 13, 15, F] [POWERTR4 01GF]

G sol re ut hathe 4 acordis: Mi, Sol, La be [sqb] quarre and Sol be proper chaunt in G sol re ut aboue and Fa, La be b molle, the same acordis that Mi, Sol be; Mi a 10, Sol a 12, La a 13, Sol be proper chaunt, a 15 in G sol re ut aboue.

[-14-] [Georgiades, Diskanttraktate, 14,1; text: proper chaunt, [sqb], [rob], 10, 12, 13, 15, G] [POWERTR4 01GF]

A la mi re hathe 4 acordis: Vt, Mi, Fa, La be proper chaunt; Vt a 10, Mi a 12, Fa a 13, La a 15.

[Georgiades, Diskanttraktate, 14,2; text: 10, 12, 13, 15, a] [POWERTR4 01GF]

B fa [sqb] mi hathe 3 acordis: Re, Fa, Sol be proper chaunt; Re a 10, Fa a 12e, Sol a 13.

[Georgiades, Diskanttraktate, 14,3; text: proper chaunt, 10, 12, 13, [rob], [sqb]] [POWERTR4 01GF]

Of the qvatrebil sight nedith no ferther to ymagin; for thou maist ymagin fro C sol fa ut vnto E la, as thou hast do fro C fa ut vnto C sol fa ut.

The treble syght.

Gam ut hathe 3 acordis; Vt, Mi, Sol be [sqb] quarre; Vt a 8, Mi a 10, Sol a 12.

[Georgiades, Diskanttraktate, 14,4; text: be quarre, 8, 10, 12, G] [POWERTR4 01GF]

A re hathe 3 acordis: Re, Fa, La be [sqb] quarre; Re a 8, Fa a 10, La a 12.

[Georgiades, Diskanttraktate, 14,5; text: be quarre, 8, 10, 12, A] [POWERTR4 01GF]

B mi hathe 3 acordis: Vt, Mi, Sol be [sqb] quarre; Vt a 6, Mi a 8, Sol a 10.

[Georgiades, Diskanttraktate, 14,6; text: be quarre, 6, 8, 10, B] [POWERTR4 01GF]

Ce fa ut hathe 5 acordis: Vt, Re, Fa, La be [sqb] quarre and Sol be proper chaunt in G sol re ut benethe; Vt a 5, Re a 6, Fa a 8, La a 10, Sol be proper chaunt in G sol re ut, a 12.

[Georgiades, Diskanttraktate, 14,7; text: be quarre, proper chaunt, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, C] [POWERTR4 02GF]

De sol re hathe 5 acordis: Re, Mi, Sol be [sqb] quarre and Fa, La be proper chaunt; Re a 5, Mi a 6, Sol a 8, Fa a 10 be proper chaunt in F fa ut and La a 12 in A la mi re be proper chaunt.

[Georgiades, Diskanttraktate, 14,8; be quarre, 5, 6, 8 10, 12, D] [POWERTR4 02GF]

[-15-] E la mi hathe 6 acordis: Vt, Mi, Fa, La be [sqb] quarre and Sol be proper chaunt in G sol re ut and Mi be [sqb] quarre in b fa [sqb] mi; Vt a 3, Mi a 5, Fa a 6, La a 8, Sol a 10, Mi a 12.

[Georgiades, Diskanttraktate, 15,1; text: be quarre, proper chaunt, 3, 5, 6, 8, 10, E] [POWERTR4 02GF]

F fa ut hathe 6 acordis: Re, Fa, Sol be [sqb] quarre and Fa, La be proper chaunt; Fa in C sol fa ut be quarre; Re a 3, Fa a 5, Sol a 6, Fa be proper chaunt in F fa ut, a 8, La be proper chaunt in A la mi re, a 10 and Fa be [sqb] quarre in C sol fa ut, a 12.

[Georgiades, Diskanttraktate, 15,2; text: be quarre, proper chaunt, 3, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, F] [POWERTR4 02GF]

G sol re ut hathe 6 acordis: Mi, sol, La be [sqb] quarre, Sol in G sol re ut be proper chaunt and Mi, Sol be [sqb] quarre; Mi a 3, Sol a 5, La a 6, Sol be proper chaunt, a 8 and Mi be [sqb] quarre in b fa [sqb] mi, a 10 and Sol be [sqb] quarre in D la sol re, a 12.

[Georgiades, Diskanttraktate, 15,3; text: be quarre, proper chaunt, 3, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, G] [POWERTR4 02GF]

A la mi re hathe 7 acordis: Re, Fa, La be [sqb] quarre and Fa, La be proper chaunt and Fa, La be [sqb] quarre; Re a vnisoun, Fa a 3, La a 5, Fa be proper chaunt in A la mi re a 8 and Fa be [sqb] quarre C sol fa ut a 10 and La be [sqb] quarre in E la mi, a 12.

[Georgiades, Diskanttraktate, 15,4; text: be quarre, proper chaunt, 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, a] [POWERTR4 02GF]

B fa [sqb] mi hathe 4 acordis: Re, Fa, Sol be proper chaunt and F be b molle in b fa [sqb] mi; Re a 3, Fa a 5, Sol a 6 and Fa be b molle, a 8.

[Georgiades, Diskanttraktate, 15,5; text: proper chaunt, 3, 5, 6, 8, b Fa [sqb] mi, b molle] [POWERTR4 02GF]

Of these 2 syghtis nedith no ferther more to ymagyne. But here folwith ensaunplis of diuerse playnsongis, hou thou shalt discant hem be diuerse wise and hou thou shalt discant betwene La and Ut and Ut, La and hou thou shalt ymagin in singing thyne acordis and also to soune wel the ymaginacion of thi discant.

Ferst for thirde and fyfte: thou shalt haue thi pleyngsong Re Vt, My Re, Fa My, Sol Fa, La Sol. Anto the same playng[song] thou mayst discant a 6te with a 8te, a 10e with a 12e, a 13e with a 15e.

[Georgiades, Diskanttraktate, 15,6; text: 3, 5, 6, 8] [POWERTR4 02GF]

[-16-] For 2o thirdis with a 5te: Than My Re Vt, Fa My Re, Sol Fa My, La Sol Fa shal be thi pleynsong; and thou mayst disca[n]t to the same planesong 2o 6tis with a 8te, 2o 10th with a 12e, 2o 13this with a 15.

[Georgiades, Diskanttraktate, 16,1; text: 3, 5, 6, 8] [POWERTR4 02GF]

For 3 thirdis with a 5te: Than Fa My Re Vt, Sol Fa My Re, La Sol Fa My is thi playnsong; and to the same playnsong thou maist discant 3 6tis with a 8, 3 10this with a 12, 3 13this with a 15.

[Georgiades, Diskanttraktate, 16,2; text: 3, 5, 6, 8] [POWERTR4 02GF]

Nou thou knowist hou thou shal discant a 3de with a 5te, 2o 3dis with a 5te, 3e 3dis with a 5te to these playnsongis. Now must thou knou hou thou shal discant thi 3de with a 6te, thi 3de with a 8te, thi 5te with a 6te, thi 5te with a 8te, thi 5te with a 10e, thi 5te with a 12e, thi 6te with a 3de, thi 6te with a 5te, thi 6te with a 8te, thi 6te with a 10the, thi 6te with a 12e, thi 8te with a 10e, thi 8 with a 12, thi 10 with a 5te, thi 10 with a 6te, thi 10 with a 12, thi 10 with a 15, thi 12 with a 5, thi 12 with a 6, thi 12 with a 10, thi 12 with a 13, thi 12 with a 15, thi 13 with a 12, thi 13 with a 15, thi 15 with a 10, thi 15 with a 12. These acordis must thou kun sette togeder as I haue here enformyd the, yf thou wilt medle wel thi counterpoint.

Thirde and sixte and eghte: For a 3 with a 6 and a 8te the playngsong shal be Mi Re Vt, Fa Mi Re, Sol Fa Mi, La Sol Fa.

[Georgiades, Diskanttraktate, 16,3; text: 3, 6, 8] [POWERTR4 03GF]

For 2o 3dis with a 6te and a 8te: Than Fa M[i] Re Vt, Sol Fa Mi Re, La Sol Fa Mi shal be the playnsong.

[Georgiades, Diskanttraktate, 16,4; text: 3, 6, 8] [POWERTR4 03GF]

For 3 3dis with a 6te and a 8te: Than Sol Fa Mi Re Vt, La Sol Fa Mi Re shal be the playnsong.

[Georgiades, Diskanttraktate, 16,5; text: 3, 6, 8] [POWERTR4 03GF]

A thirde with a 8te. For a 3de with a 8te the playnsong shal be: Sol Vt, La Re.

[Georgiades, Diskanttraktate, 16,6; text: 3, 8] [POWERTR4 03GF]

[-17-] For 2o 3dis with a 8te: Fa Sol Vt, Sol La Re shal be the playnsong.

[Georgiades, Diskanttraktate, 17,1; text: 3, 8] [POWERTR4 03GF]

For 3e 3dis with a 8te: Sol Fa Sol Vt, La Sol La Re is playnsong.

[Georgiades, Diskanttraktate, 17,2; text: 3, 8] [POWERTR4 03GF]

Fifte and sixte. For a 5te with a 6: La Sol, Sol Fa, Fa Mi, Mi Re, Re Ut is playnsong.

[Georgiades, Diskanttraktate, 17,3; text: [rob], 5, 6] [POWERTR4 03GF]

Fifte and eyghte. For a 5te with a 8te: La Fa, Sol Mi, Fa Re, Mi Vt is playnsong.

[Georgiades, Diskanttraktate, 17,4; text: [rob], 5, 8] [POWERTR4 03GF]

Fifte and tenthe. For a 5 with a 10: La Mi, Sol Re, Fa Vt is the plainsong.

[Georgiades, Diskanttraktate, 17,5; text: [rob], 5, 10] [POWERTR4 03GF]

Fyfte and 12e. For a 5 with a 12 the plainsong is Sol Vt, La Re.

[Georgiades, Diskanttraktate, 17,6; text: [rob], 5, 12] [POWERTR4 03GF]

Sixte and 3de. [F]or a 6t[e] [w]ith a 3de the plainsong shal be Vt Fa, Re Sol, My La.

[Georgiades, Diskanttraktate, 17,7; text: 6, 3] [POWERTR4 03GF]

For 2o 6tis with a 3de: Re Vt My, My Re Fa, Fa My Sol, Sol Fa La shal be the playnsong.

[Georgiades, Diskanttraktate, 17,8; text: 6, 3] [POWERTR4 03GF]

For 3 6tis with a 3de: Vt Re My Fa, Re My Fa Sol, My Fa Sol La shal be the plainsong.

[Georgiades, Diskanttraktate, 17,9; text: 6, 3] [POWERTR4 03GF]

Also for 3 6tis with a 3de: My Re Vt My, Fa My Re Fa, Sol Fa My Sol, La Sol Fa La shal be the plainsong.

[-18-] [Georgiades, Diskanttraktate, 18,1; text: 6, 3] [POWERTR4 04GF]

Sexte and fifte. For a 6 with a 5 the plainsong is La La, Sol Sol, Fa Fa, My My, Re Re, Vt Vt.

[Georgiades, Diskanttraktate, 18,2; text: 6, 5] [POWERTR4 04GF]

Also for a 6te with a 5te [the p]lainsong shal be Vt Re, Re My, My Fa, Fa Sol, Sol La.

[Georgiades, Diskanttraktate, 18,3; text: 6, 5] [POWERTR4 04GF]

Sixte and 8te. [F]or a 6te with a 8te the plainsong shal be Re Vt, My Re, Fa My, Sol Fa, La Sol.

[Georgiades, Diskanttraktate, 18,4; text: 6, 8] [POWERTR4 04GF]

For a 6 with a 10: La Re, Sol Ut shal be the plainsong.

[Georgiades, Diskanttraktate, 18,5; text: 6, 10] [POWERTR4 04GF]

Sixte and 10e. Also for a 6 with a 10: La My, Sol Re, Fa Ut is the plainsong.

[Georgiades, Diskanttraktate, 18,6; text: 6, 10] [POWERTR4 04GF]

Also a 6 with a 10: My Vt, Fa Re, Sol My, La Fa is the plainsong.

[Georgiades, Diskanttraktate, 18,7; text: 6, 10] [POWERTR4 04GF]

For 2o 6tis with a 10: Fa Sol Vt, Sol La Re is the plainsong.

[Georgiades, Diskanttraktate, 18,8; text: 6, 10] [POWERTR4 04GF]

Also for 2o 6tis with a 10th: My Fa Re, Fa Sol My, Sol La Fa is [the plainsong.]

[Georgiades, Diskanttraktate, 18,9; text: 6, 10] [POWERTR4 04GF]

Also for 3 6tis with a 10e: Sol Fa Sol Vt, La Sol La Re is the plainsong.

[Georgiades, Diskanttraktate, 18,10; text: 6, 10] [POWERTR4 04GF]

[-19-] Also for 3 6 with a 10: My Fa Sol Vt, Fa Sol La Re is the plainsong.

[Georgiades, Diskanttraktate, 19,1; text: 6, 10] [POWERTR4 04GF]

Also ther is a rwle that descanteris may sette and syng 3 imperfite acordis togeder and it is treu bothe of one keende and of diuerse kendis. Exemplum of one keende: As 3e 3dis, 3e 6tis, 3e 10is, 3 13is. Exemplum of diuerse keendis: Aas a imperfite of one keende with a imperfite of another keende, as a 3de with a 6te. so we may sette and syng in diuerse keendis 6 imperfitis; in one keende as 3 imperfitis and no more. Also for 3e 6tis with 3e 10this La Sol Fa My Re Ut is the plainsong.

[Georgiades, Diskanttraktate, 19,2; text: 6, 10] [POWERTR4 04GF]

For 3e 6tis and 3e 10is also the plainsong is Re My Fa Vt Re My, My Fa Sol Re My Fa, Fa Sol La My Fa Sol.

[Georgiades, Diskanttraktate, 19,3; text: 6, 10] [POWERTR4 04GF]

For a sixte and 12e: Sol Vt, La Re is the plainsong.

[Georgiades, Diskanttraktate, 19,4; text: 6, 12] [POWERTR4 05GF]

Also 2 6tis with a 12e the plainsong is Fa Sol Vt, Sol La Re.

[Georgiades, Diskanttraktate, 19,5; text: 6, 12] [POWERTR4 05GF]

Also for 3 6tis with a 12e: My Fa Sol Vt, Fa Sol La Re the plainsong is.

[Georgiades, Diskanttraktate, 19,6; text: 6, 12] [POWERTR4 05GF]

For a eghte and 10the the plainsong is La My, Sol Re, Fa Vt.

[Georgiades, Diskanttraktate, 19,7; text: [rob], 8, 10] [POWERTR4 05GF]

Also for a 8te with a 10e the plainsong is Vt Re, Re My, My Fa, Fa Sol, Sol La.

[Georgiades, Diskanttraktate, 19,8; text: [rob], 8, 10, [rob], [?]] [POWERTR4 05GF]

Also for a 8 with a 10: Vt My, Re Fa, Mi Sol, Fa La is [the plainsong].

[Georgiades, Diskanttraktate, 19,9; text: [rob], 8, 10] [POWERTR4 05GF]

[-20-] Also for a 8 with 2o 10 La My Re, Sol Re Vt is the plainsong.

[Georgiades, Diskanttraktate, 20,1; text: [rob], 8, 10] [POWERTR4 05GF]

Also a 8te with 2 10: La Re Vt is the plainsong.

[Georgiades, Diskanttraktate, 20,2; text: [rob], 8, 10] [POWERTR4 05GF]

Also a 8 with 3e 10is: La My Re Vt is the plainsong.

[Georgiades, Diskanttraktate, 20,3; text: [rob], 8, 10] [POWERTR4 05GF]

For eght and 12e: Sol Vt, La Re is the plainsong.

[Georgiades, Diskanttraktate, 20,4; text: [rob], 8, 12] [POWERTR4 05GF]

[F]or tenthe and 5e: Vt Sol, Re La is the plainsong.

[Georgiades, Diskanttraktate, 20,5; text: [rob], 10, 5] [POWERTR4 05GF]

Also for 3e 10is with a 5te the plainsong is Vt Re My Fa, Re My Fa Sol, My Fa Sol La.

[Georgiades, Diskanttraktate, 20,6; text: [rob], 10, 5] [POWERTR4 05GF]

For tenthe and 6te: Vt Sol, Re La is the plainsong.

[Georgiades, Diskanttraktate, 20,7; text: [rob], 10, 6] [POWERTR4 05GF]

Also for 2 10is with a 6te: Vt Re My, Re My Fa, My Fa Sol is plainsong.

[Georgiades, Diskanttraktate, 20,8; text: [rob], 10, 6] [POWERTR4 05GF]

Also 3 10is with a 6te: Vt Re My Fa, Re My Fa Sol, My Fa Sol La et cetera.

[Georgiades, Diskanttraktate, 20,9; text: [rob], 10, 6] [POWERTR4 05GF]

Also for 3 10 with a 6: Mi Re Vt Fa, Fa Mi Re Sol, Sol Fa Mi La is plainsong.

[Georgiades, Diskanttraktate, 20,10; text: [rob], 10, 6] [POWERTR4 06GF]

For tenthe and tenthe the plainsong is Vt Re, Re My, My Fa, Fa Sol, Sol La.

[-21-] [Georgiades, Diskanttraktate, 21,1; text: [rob], 10] [POWERTR4 06GF]

For a tenthe and 12e: Re Vt, My Re, Fa My, Sol Fa, La Sol is the plainsong.

[Georgiades, Diskanttraktate, 21,2; text: [rob], 10, 12] [POWERTR4 06GF]

For a tenthe with a 13e: La Mi, Sol Re, Fa Vt is plainsong.

[Georgiades, Diskanttraktate, 21,3; text: [rob], 10, 13] [POWERTR4 06GF]

Also for a tenthe with a 13e: Sol Vt, La Re is the plainsong.

[Georgiades, Diskanttraktate, 21,4; text: [rob], 10, 13] [POWERTR4 06GF]

For a tenthe with a 15e: La Mi, Sol Re, Fa Vt is plainsong.

[Georgiades, Diskanttraktate, 21,5; text: [rob], 10, 15] [POWERTR4 06GF]

Also for a tenthe with a 15e: Sol Vt, La Re is plainsong.

[Georgiades, Diskanttraktate, 21,6; text: [rob], 10, 15] [POWERTR4 06GF]

Also for 2o tenthis with a 15e: Sol Fa Vt, La Sol Re is et cetera.

[Georgiades, Diskanttraktate, 21,7; text: [rob], 10, 15] [POWERTR4 06GF]

Also for 2o tenthis with a 15e: Fa Sol Vt, Sol La Re is the plainsong.

[Georgiades, Diskanttraktate, 21,8; text: [rob], 10, 15] [POWERTR4 06GF]

Also for 3 tenthis with a 15: Mi Fa Sol Vt, Fa Sol La Re is plainsong.

[Georgiades, Diskanttraktate, 21,9; text: [rob], 10, 15] [POWERTR4 06GF]

Also for 3 tenthis with a 15: Sol Fa Sol Vt, La Sol La Re is the plainsong.

[Georgiades, Diskanttraktate, 21,10; text: [rob], 10, 15] [POWERTR4 06GF]

For a twelfe with a 5te or a 6te: Vt Sol, Re La is the plainsong.

[Georgiades, Diskanttraktate, 21,11; text: 12, 6, 5] [POWERTR4 06GF]

Also for a 12e with a 6te: Vt Fa, Re Sol is the plainsong.

[Georgiades, Diskanttraktate, 21,12; text: 12, 6] [POWERTR4 06GF]

[-22-] Also for a 12e with a 6te: Vt Mi, Re Fa, Fa La is the plainsong.

[Georgiades, Diskanttraktate, 22,1; text: 12, 6] [POWERTR4 06GF]

Also for a 12e with 2o 6tis: Vt Fa Sol, Re Sol La is plainsong.

[Georgiades, Diskanttraktate, 22,2; text: 12, 6] [POWERTR4 06GF]

Also for a 12e with 3e 6tis: Vt Sol La Sol, Re La My Re, Fa Fa Sol Fa is the plainsong.

[Georgiades, Diskanttraktate, 22,3; text: 12, 6] [POWERTR4 06GF]

Also for a 12 with 3e 6tis: Vt My Fa Sol, Re Fa Sol La is plainsong.

[Georgiades, Diskanttraktate, 22,4; text: 12, 6] [POWERTR4 06GF]

For a twelfe and 10e: Vt Re, Re My, My Fa, Fa Sol, Sol La is the plainsong.

[Georgiades, Diskanttraktate, 22,5; text: 12, 10] [POWERTR4 06GF]

Also for a 12e with a 10e: Vt Sol, Re La is the plainsong.

[Georgiades, Diskanttraktate, 22,6; text: 12, 10] [POWERTR4 07GF]

Also for a 12e with a 10: Vt Fa, Re Sol, Mi La is the plainsong.

[Georgiades, Diskanttraktate, 22,7; text: 12, 10] [POWERTR4 07GF]

Also for a 12e with a 10e: Vt My, Re Fa, My Sol, Fa La is plainsong.

[Georgiades, Diskanttraktate, 22,8; text: 12, 10] [POWERTR4 07GF]

For twelfe, tenthe and fiftenth: Re Mi Vt, Mi Fa Re, Fa Sol My, Sol La Fa is the plainsong.

[Georgiades, Diskanttraktate, 22,9; text: 12, 10, 15] [POWERTR4 07GF]

For a twelfe and thirtenthe the plainsong is La Sol, Sol Fa, Fa My, My Re, Re Vt.

[Georgiades, Diskanttraktate, 22,10; text: 12, 13, [1]3] [POWERTR4 07GF]

[-23-] For a twelfe and fiftenthe the plainsong is La Fa, Sol My, Fa Re, My Vt, or ellis: La My, Sol Re, Fa Vt.

[Georgiades, Diskanttraktate, 23,1; text: 12, 15] [POWERTR4 07GF]

For a thirtenthe betwene 2o twelthis with a 10e the plainsong is 4or La, 4or Sol, 4or Fa, 4or Mi, 4or Re, 4or Vt.

[Georgiades, Diskanttraktate, 23,2; text: 12, 13, 10] [POWERTR4 07GF]

For a thirtenthe and fiftenthe the plainsong is Re Vt, My Re, Fa My, Sol Fa, La Sol, or ellis: La Fa, Sol Mi, Fa Re, Mi Vt.

[Georgiades, Diskanttraktate, 23,3; text: 13, 15] [POWERTR4 07GF]

For a fiftenthe with a 10e the plainsong is Vt Sol, Re La and Vt Fa, Re Sol, Mi La; also Vt Mi, Re Fa, Mi Sol, Fa La and Vt La.

[Georgiades, Diskanttraktate, 23,4; text: 15, 10] [POWERTR4 07GF]

For a fiftenthe with a 12e the plainsong: Vt Fa, Re Sol, My La and Vt Sol, Re La; also Vt My, Re Fa, My Sol, Fa La.

[Georgiades, Diskanttraktate, 23,5; text: 15, 12] [POWERTR4 07GF]

And here an ende. But who wil kunne this Gamme wel and the ymaginacions therof and of his acordis and sette his perfite acordis with his imperfite acordis, as I haue rehersid in this tretise afore, he may not faile of his Countirpoint in short tyme. Quod Lyonel Power.

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