Musical Borrowing
An Annotated Bibliography

Individual record

[+] Massenkeil, Günther. "Eine spanische Choralmelodie in mehrstimmigen Lamentationskompositionen des 16. Jahrhunderts." Archiv für Musikwissenschaft 19-20 (1962-63): 230-37.

Although most polyphonic lamentations of the sixteenth century are based on the Roman lamentation tone, we find a few examples (including some outside of Spain) that are based on the Spanish version. The latter is especially characterized by its initial formula for the Hebrew letter. This formula may be quoted literally, paraphrased in one or several voices, transposed, and even reused in the initium of the actual lamentation. There is even an example where both the Roman and Spanish tone are vertically combined. One should beware, however, of confusing quotation with accidental melodic concordances.

Works: Morales: Aleph. Quomodo sedet (for five parts; from Ms. Toledo, Catedral, Bibl. Capitular, Libros de facistol Ms. 21) (232-33); Fuenllana: Aleph. Quomodo sedet; Morales: Lamentation, arranged for voice and vihuela (233); Créquillon: Lamed. O vos omnes (234-35), Mem. De excelso misit ignem (234); Valera: Ya no quiero aver plaser (236).

Index Classifications: 1500s

Contributed by: Andreas Giger

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