Musical Borrowing
An Annotated Bibliography

Individual record

[+] Taricani, JoAnn. "The Early Works of Jacquet de Berchem: Emulation and Parody." Revue belge de musicologie 46 (1992): 53-79.

Because Jacquet borrowed so extensively in his early works, musicologists may use his compositional processes as a determinant for dating his youthful compositions as well as documenting his early career. His early madrigals involve different manners of emulation. One can surmise that Altro non è il mio amor is clearly modeled after Verdelot's madrigal with the same text, as Jacquet parodied each point of imitation in the model. Cogliete delle spini from Primo libro a 4 (1555) borrows entire voices from Cipriano de Rore's Anchor che col partire. Jacquet's madrigal cycle Capriccio also employs a pastiche of popular airs. Investigation of borrowed material also may determine the authenticity of the contested Missa Altro non è il mio amor which is based on the same Verdelot madrigal mentioned above. Parody seems to be the most common trait in all of Jacquet's chansons, which are modeled after works of Certon de Villiers, Sandrin, and possibly Jannequin. The motets, on the other hand, reflect the music of earlier composers, such as Josquin and Mouton, with their use of cantus firmus and diminution.

Works: Jacquet de Berchem: Altro non è il amor (59), Cogliete delle spini (60), Capriccio (60), Missa Altro non è il amor (61), Voix de Ville, Se envieulx, et faulx rapportz (63-65), In te signis radians (63-64).

Sources: Verdelot: Altro non è il amor (59-61); Rore: Anchor che col partire (60); Sandrin: Pui que de vous (67).

Index Classifications: 1500s

Contributed by: Randy Goldberg

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