Musical Borrowing
An Annotated Bibliography

Individual record

[+] Falck, Robert. “Zwei Lieder Philipps des Kanzlers und ihre Vorbilder. Neue Aspekte musikalischer Entlehnung in der mittelalterlichen Monodie.” Archiv für Musikwissenschaft 24, no. 2 (1967): 81-98.

Philip the Chancellor composed two Latin songs, Nitimur in vetitum and Pater sancte, dictus Lotharius using music from two vernacular songs. An analysis of musical borrowing between the songs reveals two French-Latin groups; these are Complex I, Nitimur in vetitum and Quant li rossignols iolis; and Complex II, Pater sancte, dictus Lotharius and Brulé’s trouvère song Douce dame, gres et graces vous rent. While there are no textual connections between the two complexes, and at first glance any relationship seems remote, a musical analysis reveals subtle musical relationships between the four songs. The term “contrafactum” does not convey the nature of musical borrowing between the four songs, because Philip the Chancellor does not substitute one text for another over the same melody. “Parody” is a more appropriate term for Philip’s compositional technique. However, the motivation for composing parodies of his own songs is not clear from this musical analysis. Conscious parody, occasional resemblance, or common practice melodic formulae and formal principles are all possible explanations for the musical similarities between the four songs.

Works: Philip the Chancellor: Nitimur in vetitum (92-97), Pater sancte, dictus Lotharius (95).

Sources: Anonymous: Quant li rossignols iolis (85-86, 90-92); Gace Brulé: Douce dame, gres et graces vous rent (85-92).

Index Classifications: Monophony to 1300

Contributed by: Elizabeth Stoner

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