Musical Borrowing
An Annotated Bibliography

Individual record

[+] Cammarota, Robert M. "The Sources of the Christmas Interpolations in J. S. Bach's Magnificat in E-flat." Current Musicology, no. 36 (1983): 79-99.

The practice in Leipzig of interpolating Laudes into the Magnificat at Christmas extends from the early 17th through the first quarter of the 18th century. The so-called "Cantate zum Weihnachtsfest" of early 18th-century Leipzig provenance actually consists of four Laudes , whose surviving parts indicate they were available for interpolation into Magnificat settings in two keys. Because an anonymous early 18th-century Leipzig Magnificat and Bach's Magnificat in E-flat call for interpolation of four Laudes to the same text as those in the "Cantate zum Weihnachtsfest," it was perhaps customary in Leipzig at this time to interpolate Laudes to these texts into the Magnificat at Christmas.

Works: Johann Andreas Kuhnau: Cantate zum Weihnachtsfest (82-87, 92, 93); Anonymous: Magnificat à 4 in D major (87-89); Johann Sebastian Bach: Magnificat à 5 in E-flat major (89-93).

Sources: Martin Luther: Vom Himmel hoch, da komm ich her; Anonymous: Freut euch und jubiliert, Gloria in excelsis Deo; Paul Eber [attrib.]: Virga Jesse floruit.

Index Classifications: 1700s

Contributed by: Reginald Sanders

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