Musical Borrowing
An Annotated Bibliography

Individual record

[+] Falck, Robert. "New Light on the Polyphonic Conductus Repertory in the St. Victor Manuscript." Journal of the American Musicological Society 23 (Summer 1970): 315-26.

The St. Victor repertory of polyphonic conductus, while peripheral to the Notre Dame manuscripts, may in fact predate them. Instances of alternate texts to the same music, voice exchange in the three-part pieces, and treatment of melismas point to interrelationships between the two schools. Clausulae are borrowed from liturgical texts for use in para-liturgical compositions based on assonance. Using this evidence, the St. Victor manuscript can be assumed to have been compiled from sometime before 1209 to around 1244.

Works: Stella serena (313-17); Veri solis presentia (316); Deduc syon (317, 321); O felix bituria (321, 324-25); Naturas deus regulis (323).

Sources: Ave Maria (313-17); Mater patris (316); Benedicamus domino (317-26).

Index Classifications: Polyphony to 1300

Contributed by: Felix Cox

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