Musical Borrowing
An Annotated Bibliography

Individual record

[+] Gennrich, Friedrich. "Internationale mittelalterliche Melodien." Zeitschrift für Musikwissenschaft 11 (1928-29): 259-96, 321-48.

Just as certain architectural styles are spread over several cultures, we find "international" melodies scattered in manuscripts all over Western Europe. They mostly originated in France and later were adapted musically (variants) and textually (variants and contrafacta) to their new surroundings. Gennrich discusses contrafacta of monophonic liturgical chants (such as the famous sequence Laetabundus exsultet fidelis chorus), of liturgical motets (O Maria, maris stella/Veritatem), sacred motets and conductus (Agmina milicie celestis omnia), and of Latin songs (Bulla fulminante sub judice tonante). Gennrich is not always able to clarify the priority of identical melodies with different text, but provides the music and its sources wherever possible.

Works: Allein Gott in der Höh (German Chorale 265-66); anonymous: Mei amic e mei fiel (267); O Maria, Deu maire, Deus t'es e fils e paire (267); Adam de St. Victor: O Maria, stella maris (267); anonymous: Glorieuse Deu amie, dame de pitié (268-72); Johannes Rodericus: O Maria, maris stella (268-72); anonymous contrafacta: Or hi parra (273-78); O Gras tondeus (274-78); Frölich erklingen (274-78); Gautier de Coinci: Hui enfantez Fuli fiz Dieu (273-78), L'amour dont sui espris (331-40); anonymous contrafacta: Fille de Dieu, ben as obras (280-81); Diable, guaras non tormentes (280-81); Auiatz, seinhors per qual razon (279-81); Philippe le Chancelier: Agmina milicie celestis omnia (281-96), Bulla fulminante (325-30); anonymous: De la virge Katerine chanterai (283-96); L'autr'ier cuidai avoir (283-96); Philippe le Chancelier: Li cuers se vait de l'ueil plaignant (322-24); anonymous contrafacta: Seyner, mil gracias ti rent (322-24); Veste nuptiali (235); Blondel de Nesle: L'amour dont sui espris (331-40); Ma joie me sement de chanter (is a contrafactum of Walter of Châtillon's Ver pacis aperit, or the other way round, 342-43); anonymous: Ar ne kuthe ich sorghe non (346-47).

Index Classifications: Monophony to 1300, Polyphony to 1300

Contributed by: Andreas Giger

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