[+] Harbinson, Denis. "Isorhythmic Technique in the Early Motet." Music and Letters 47 (April 1966): 100-9.
Features of the isorhythmic motet hitherto believed to be typical for the ars nova already can be found in the ars antiqua. Harbinson gives evidence by showing how tenores were rhythmically and melodically transformed for use in the motet.
Works: Motets from the Montpellier Codex: Sans orgueil et sans envie/Iohanne (101); Traveillié du mau d'amour/Et confitebor (104-5); Je gart le bois/Et confitebor (102, 105); Liés et jolis/Je n'ai joie/In seculum (105); Douce dame sans pitié/Sustinere (106); Le premier jor de mai/Par un matin me le vai/Iustus (106).
Index Classifications: Polyphony to 1300
Contributed by: Andreas Giger