Musical Borrowing
An Annotated Bibliography

Individual record

[+] Hufstader, Alice Anderson. "Beethoven's Irische Lieder: Sourcesand Problems." The Musical Quarterly 45 (July 1959): 343-60.

Beethoven's Irische Lieder can be traced to three sources (which, in turn, are the origins of Irish national music): the work of the bards (the Irish equivalent to the German Meistersinger), non-vocal harp tunes (music for dancing, tunes for convivial uses and funeral dirges), and ballads. Beethoven took the preexistent melody and provided a harmony, unaware of the history or nature of the tunes (which often lacked words). The question is posed whether Beethoven's setting of these tunes reflects their true nature.

Index Classifications: 1800s

Contributed by: Marc Moskovitz

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