Musical Borrowing
An Annotated Bibliography

Individual record

[+] Jacobson, Joshua R. "A Possible Influence of Traditional Chant On a Synagogue Motet of Salomone Rossi." Musica Judaica 10 (1987-88): 52-58.

Prior Salomone Rossi research has suggested that the composer was in no way influenced by the music of the Jewish liturgy, but simply composed his music for the synagogue in the musical language of contemporary church music composers. However, an exception might well be made in the case of Rossi's motet Elohim hasivenu. The canto part to the motet shares a notable melodic likeness to the Elohim hashivenu chant used in the Italian rite. Rossi added melismas to the chant in order to tailor the melody to the motet style.

Works: Rossi: Elohim hasivenu.

Sources: Jewish Liturgy, Italian Rite: Elohim hasivenu, Psalm 80, verse 4 (52-56); Lasso: Cum essem parvulus (57).

Index Classifications: 1600s

Contributed by: Eytan Uslan

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