Musical Borrowing
An Annotated Bibliography

Individual record

[+] Jas, Eric. "Nicolas Gombert's Missa Fors Seulement: A Conflicting Attribution." Revue Belge de musicologie (1992): 163-77.

The long-held attribution of one of the ten Fors seulement masses to Nicholas Gombert is found questionable, as the same Mass is attributed to Jheronimus Vinders in a more reliable manuscript, the "Illustre Lieve Vrouwe Broederschap" in 's-Hertogenbosch ('s-HerAB 74). The Missa fors seulement employs literal cantus prius factus technique, which is uncommon in Gombert's other masses. On the other hand, Vinders's compositions use this technique often. Furthermore, the particular cantus prius factus practice in this Mass places the cantus firmus in the highest voice, which never occurs in the few cantus prius factus compositions that Gombert wrote. In contrast, Vinders's many pieces that use cantus firmus procedures feature this overt appropriation of the cantus firmus. Finally, other musical elements found in the Mass, such as cadential figures, ostinatos and homophonic textures do not correspond with Gombert's style.

Works: Gombert or Jheronimus Vinders: Missa Fors seulement (163-77).

Sources: Ockeghem: Fors seulement l'actente que je meure (163-64); Pipelare: Fors seulement l'attente que je meure (164-66); Févin: Fors seulement la mort, sans nul autre attente (164-66).

Index Classifications: 1500s

Contributed by: Victoria Malawey

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