Musical Borrowing
An Annotated Bibliography

Individual record

[+] Bent, Margaret. "Fauvel and Marigny: Which Came First?" In Fauvel Studies: Allegory, Chronicle, Music, and Image in Paris, Bibliothéque Nationale de France, MS francais 146, ed. Margaret Bent and Andrew Wathey, 35-52. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1998.

Determining the purpose and chronology of the three Marigny motets in relation to the Roman de Fauvel is difficult at best. Examination of the historical role in connection with these motets can make both the chronology and music clearer. Most important historically is their connection with and references to the downfall of Enguerran de Marigny. The evidence suggests that these motets existed before the Roman de Fauvel and were modernized with Fauvel material in order to create specifically tailored political messages.

Works: Vitry: Garrit gallus/In nova/Neuma (35-37), Aman novi/Heu Fortuna/Heu me (36, 38), Tribum que non abborruit/Quoniam secta latronum/Merito (36).

Sources: Floret/Florens (39); Heu Fortuna from Roman de Fauvel (43).

Index Classifications: 1300s

Contributed by: Rebecca Dowsley

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