Musical Borrowing
An Annotated Bibliography

Individual record

[+] Leach, Mark A. "On Re-creation in Medieval Music: Some Melodic and Textual Relationships among Gloria Tropes." Ars lyrica 7 (1993): 25-46.

The concept of centonization (recurrence of melodic formulae) may be expanded to suggest that certain textual elements (including word sounds, placement, and meaning) also may have suggested musical setting. Clues to the sources of these borrowings are sometimes found in verses other than the first one. Whether or not it was conscious, musical borrowing of this type serves to reinforce the authority of the pre-existent material and may be an aid to memory.

Works: Pax in caelo permanet (26-27); Laudabilis domine (29-31); Alme mundi (31-35); O alma virgo (35-36); Hic laudando (35-43); Cives superni/Christus surrexit (43-45).

Sources: Laudat in excelsis (25-26); Laus tua deus (28-29, 31-35); Laus tibi domine (28-29); Alme mundi (35-36); Quem patris (35-43); Pax sempiterna (43-45).

Index Classifications: Monophony to 1300

Contributed by: Felix Cox

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