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Concordance with other resources

To help navigate the content of the TML and identify treatises more accurately, from the 2017 edition this website includes concordances with two important bibliographical resources for research in the field: the Lexicon musicum Latinum medii aevii (LmL), a project of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences, and the entry “Anonymous Theoretical Writings” by Matthew Balensuela in Grove Music Online.

While the TML reproduces versions of texts, titles, and attributions as they are found in individual sources (and often the TML offers multiple editions and manuscripts of the same text), the LmL and Balensuela consider the canonical versions of the treatises and provide standardized identifiers for them.

These concordances provide direct access to the canonical texts referred to in the two resources, as well as to other versions of the same and to related texts.

Go to the Concordances with the Lexicon musicum Latinum page.

Go to the Concordances with Grove’s “Anonymous Theoretical Writings” page.