Resources and Studies
for the History of Music Theory
Giuliano Di Bacco, Area Coordinator
Giuliano Di Bacco, Area Coordinator
Close-up from Due sportelli di libreria by Giuseppe Maria Crespi (1665-1747)*
CHMTL is especially known for its contribution to research into the history of music theory, from which field of study the Center takes its name. The core of the initiative is best represented by our four theory thesauri, digital archives where we collect all known music treatises and literary works about music from the late Antiquity. These are the Thesaurus Musicarum Latinarum, the earliest project gathering texts written in Latin, and three sister projects, Saggi musicali italiani, Traités français sur la musique and Texts on Music in English.
CHMTL also sponsored the publication of monographs, collective volumes and critical editions of major treatises, and organized conferences and other events.
The thesauri are being redeveloped to include texts in other languages. We are also working to establish an online peer-reviewed journal whose aim is to publish studies on texts, authors, and sources, as well as modern editions of texts.