The catalogue of variants lists differences between the sources and the edition by Source, Piece, Voice, Location (verse [if applicable], measure number, and note number), Reading, Type, and Subtype. If verse is not specified, the variant applies to the first section of introits and alleluias.
Differences among the sources are reported as variants, with the following exceptions:
- Differences in coloration are not reported.
- Differences in chant incipits are reported only for the Choralis II print. Incipits in other sources often correspond to local versions of chants and differ in minor ways from those in the edition.
- Differences in text underlay are reported only if the apparently intended underlay differs from that in the edition. Phrases without text are assumed to call for either a repeat or an extension of the preceding text. The Underlay subtype "No text" is specified only when the implied text differs from that in the edition.
- Differences in text repetitions, which are often ambiguous in the sources, are reported only for the Choralis II print. Text repetitions called for in the print that are omitted in the edition are reported as variants. Text repetitions that are added editorially are in italics.
Errors corrected in-house are not included. They are listed under in-house corrections.
Variants are classified in the following categories and subcategories:
- Accidental
- Additional: explicit accidental in the source that is not in the edition
- Lacking: explicit accidental in the edition lacking in the source
- Additional material
- Additional sections: sections in the source that are not in the edition
- Clef
- Change: clef change within a section
- Error: clef does not match notated pitches
- Variant: initial clef differs from that in the edition
- Ligature
- Additional: ligature in the source not in the edition
- Lacking: ligature in the edition not in the source
- Variant: ligature(s) in the source apply to different groups of notes than those in the edition
- Liturgical assignment
- Different: piece assigned to a different liturgical feast than that in the edition
- Mensuration & proportions
- Error: incorrect mensuration or proportion sign in the source
- Variant: alternative mensuration (e.g., cut vs. uncut sign) or alternative notation for the same mensurtion or proportion
- Missing material
- Missing section: section not in source, either because of physical damage or because it was omitted intentionally
- Missing voice: voice not in source because of missing partbook or source damage
- Notation
- Detail: special way of notating a passage
- Resolution: wriiten out version of canon or complex proportions
- Sign: supplementary sign, such as a signum congruentiae (reported only for Choralis II print) or repeat sign
- Pitch
- Error: incorrect pitch
- Transposition: notation of complete piece in transposition
- Variant: different pitch from edition, not necessarily incorrect
- Pitch & rhythm
- Anticipation (Ant.) additional: anticipation of a cadential suspension not in the edition
- Anticipation (Ant.) lacking: anticipation of a cadential suspension in the edition, not in the source
- Error: incorrect pitch and rhythm
- Ornament (Orn.) additional: ornament other than anticipation or passing tone not in the edition
- Ornament (Orn.) lacking: ornament other than anticipation or passing tone in the edition, not in the source
- Passing tone (P. t.) additional: passing tone not in the edition
- Passing tone (P. t.) lacking: passing tone in the edition, not in the source
- Variant: pitch and rhythm variant not in any of the above categories
- Rhythm
- Dotting additional: dotted notes in place of even notes in the edition
- Dotting lacking: even notes in place of dotted notes in the edition
- Error: incorrect rhythm
- Note split: single note in edition subdivided into two notes on the same pitch without line break
- Note split (line break): single note in edition subdivided into two notes on the same pitch on different lines in the source
- Notes joined: two notes on the same pitch in the edition joined into a single note in the source
- Rest additional (note shortened): note in the edition shortened by the insertion of a rest
- Rest lacking (note lengthened): note in edition lengthened by the omission of a rest
- Variant: different rhythm not belonging to any of the above categories
- Signature
- Error: incorrect key signature
- Variant: different key signature from the one in the edition, but not incorrect (e.g., b-flat signature with e-flats notated separately in place of 2-flat signature)
- Source damage
- Illegible (damage resulting in complete loss of items is classified under "Missing material")
- Text
- 2nd text: another text in addition to the one in the edition
- Different: different text from the one in the edition
- Error: incorrect word(s)
- Variant: different word(s) from edition, not necessarily incorrect
- Verses out of order: verses of a multi-section piece in the wrong order
- Underlay
- No text: no text entered
- Variant: underlay different from that in the edition
- Unrelated material
- Unrelated section: section entirely different from the one in the edition
- Unrelated voice: individual voice entirely different from the one in the edition
- Voice designation
- Different: different voice category from the one in the edition. Applies only to exchanges of category (e.g., between altus and tenor), not to alternative labels, such as "contratenor" for "altus"
The editors have attempted to distinguish between variants and errors in all applicable categories. There are cases where this distinction is not clear, however, and the assigned category is a matter of judgment.
Click here for the catalogue of variants.