D-Mbs Mus. MS 3936
Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Mus. MS 3936. Choirbook of liturgical music, mostly for Holy Cross.
Provenance: Probably from south Germany. Date 1573 on covers and title pages. Online copy | DIAMM entry
Published inventory: Martin Bente, Marie Louise Göllner, Helmut Hell, and Bettina Wackernagel, eds., Bayerische Staatsbibliothek: Katalog der Musikhandschriften, i: Chorbücher und Handschriften in chorbuchartiger Notierung, Kataloge Bayerischer Musiksammlungen, 5/1 (Munich, 1989).
Source of pieces in Choralis Constantinus II: Probably copied from the Choralis print.
Choralis Constantinus II contents:
- Mass 20
- Introit-Nos autem gloriari (fol. 1v)
- Alleluia-Dulce lignum (fol. 3v)
- Sequence-Laudes crucis (fol. 6v)
- Communion-Nos autem gloriari (fol. 17v)
Character of variants in Choralis Constantinus II repertoire:
Many cadences in phrases with text accents on the antepenultimate have a dotted minim and semiminim in one or more voices preceding the final notes. The same rhythmic variant is found frequently in D-As Tonkunst Schletterer 7 and 23.